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Dermatosis of pregnant women is a fairly common phenomenon. As a rule, it develops in women from the 6th to the 9th month of bearing a child. It comes in several forms. Only a highly qualified dermatologist should deal with the treatment of nebivolol pills. Therapy includes. It is allowed to treat the disease with folk remedies only if the doctor includes them in the therapy. Self-medication can only aggravate the course of the disease and provoke the development of dangerous complications. It is also worth noting that the treatment is recommended to be carried out in stationary conditions. This is especially true if the pathological process develops in a child.

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Each type of disease is characterized by its manifestations, which are taken into account in the diagnosis and treatment. A separate group of dermatoses are diseases provoked by microtraumas, hypothermia or overheating. Fungal infections of the skin are common, which can easily become infected in the pool, baths and showers in common use. A significant place in the classification is occupied by viral diseases, including warts, herpes, molluscum contagiosum.

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Malignant dermatoses are a symptom of an emerging oncological neoplasm, so treatment should begin immediately. The itchy variant of the pathology combines several types of dermatoses. Although their symptoms are different, the pattern of origin is similar. Previously, such diseases were called neurodermatosis.

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